Author Archives: Jeff J. Snider

Managers of the Year

Manager of the Year Awards are announced later today, November 9. There is no way in the world Bobby Cox isn’t winning the National League Manager of the Year award, and rightly so. As for the American League, it pretty much comes down to Ozzie Guillen and Eric Wedge. If the Indians hadn’t choked the… Read More »

Colon wins AL Cy Young

Dang it, I meant to get my predictions and preferences down in writing before the official announcement. Oh well. Anyway, Bartolo Colon won the American League Cy Young Award. If I had gotten my picks in early enough, I would have predicted that, although I also would have strongly disagreed with it. My vote would… Read More »

Rookies of the Year

The Rookie of the Year awards are announced today. If I was voting, my votes would go to Ryan Howard in the NL and Huston Street in the AL. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Tadahito Iguchi win in the AL, and I wouldn’t have a major gripe if he did, but I still lean… Read More »

Fantasy Land

I heard a rumor that the Yankees are going to pursue Rafael Furcal, have him play second base, and move Robinson Cano to center field. Imagine that: Derek Jeter would be the third-best shortstop in his own infield!

Tampa Bay Devil Oy Veys

Looks like the Devil Rays are going to hire Gerry Hunsicker to be their new non-GM. There had been some doubt that the D-Rays would be able to land a big name like Hunsicker, simply because he will not be given the title of General Manager, but is being brought in to serve as a… Read More »

On Overkill

You may be wondering why I haven’t been posting more baseball stuff lately. After all, the postseason is the best time of year for a baseball fan, right? Absolutely. Unfortunately, it is also the time of year when there are a lot fewer games going on but the same number of sportswriters, which means they… Read More »

The White Sox

So honestly, is there a white guy on the White Sox who isn’t creepy looking? Piersynzki, Rowand, Podsednik, Crede, Beurhle. They all look like they could play the abusive husband in a Lifetime movie.

Who is this man???

So I watch WWE wrestling on TV for four hours every week. Well, four hours worth of programming, although I probably only spend about two hours on it, thanks to the wonders of DVR and the fact that people like Chris Masters are so fast-forwardable. But anyway, it’s the first paragraph, and I have already… Read More »

Cano vs. Street Part II

In this post from a couple weeks ago, I declared that Huston Street should be the AL Rookie of the Year. In the comments on that post, T.D. Hogg said this: Robinson Cano is the obvious choice for rookie of the year, he plays under the great big new york lights that some veterans cant… Read More »