Monthly Archives: July 2006

Why is Bonds treated worse that Giambi?

From yesterday’s chat with Rob Neyer: Zach (Tampa,FL): Hey Rob, Im wondering why everyone is always all over Barry Bonds for alledgedly using steroids when we have an admitted user in the league named Jason Giambi. Why isnt everyone all over him when he crushes a homerun or want to strip his MVP award?… Read More »

Dvorak hates CSS

Regular readers of my blog (both of them) may be surprised to learn that I enjoy talking about anything other than baseball, but every once in a while I like to talk about web development. After all, it is what I do for a living, and on top of that, I love it! So today,… Read More »

Things I wish clients knew

Over on Andy Budd’s website, he asked the question: “What three things do you wish your clients knew about the web?” There were some pretty interesting answers in the comments, and it made me want to slap together a list of my own. Some of these come from those comments; others come from my own… Read More »