Monthly Archives: March 2006

Mouse/Keyboard Sharing with Synergy

A few months ago, my father-in-law emailed me about a cool little utility called Synergy. I looked at it briefly, thought, “I bet I would like that a lot,” and then forgot about it. Then Jonathan Snook blogged about it, and I downloaded and installed it, and wow. Absolutely amazing. I sit at my desk… Read More »

Random Steroid Thought

Here’s a (non-comprehensive) list of guys whose huge offensive numbers began declining in 2004, the same time baseball started testing for steroids. No conclusions are drawn, but it is interesting to think about: Sammy Sosa Brett Boone Rafael Palmeiro Jeff Bagwell Jim Thome Javy Lopez Preston Wilson Frank Thomas Jason Giambi Garrett Anderson

My Own Private Hypocrisy

The steroid era has made me a hypocrite, I think. Or maybe I am just as confused as everyone else. Last week, the day the latest Barry Bonds story broke, had a poll that asked the following question: Which players from the era of steroids deserve a spot in Cooperstown? Here’s how I voted… Read More »

Managers Lie to Motivate

I’m reading Peter Gammons’ blog right now, and he has the following anecdote about Jim Leyland: Leyland approached Brandon Inge to discuss his AL-high 23 errors at third base last year. “See that guy?” Leyland asked, pointing to infield coach Rafael Belliard. “He made 10 errors in five years. You’d better listen to him.” Well,… Read More »

Beaned in the Head

In the past week, the Cubs’ Jerry Hairston Jr. and the Pirates’ Sean Casey have been hit in the head with pitches. Both times, whoever writes headlines for used the term “beaned in the head.” Maybe it is a silly pet peeve, but here it is: “beaned in the head” is like saying “3… Read More »


According to Peter Gammons (who heard it from the owner of a National League team), baseball has plans to contract four teams. To be honest, when someone asks me how many Major League teams there are, my first instinct is still to say 26, so I wouldn’t be at all upset about going back to… Read More »

The “diluted” Hall of Fame

I was reading Buster Olney’s baseball blog this morning ( Insider account required), and he printed some emails from readers who were responding to Olney’s idea of having a sort of Lifetime Achievement Award in the Hall of Fame to honor people like Buck O’Neil and Minnie Minoso, who didn’t quite have the stats to… Read More »