Scott Boras
Every winter, I am faced with the same realization: When I hear the name Scott Boras, I just see in my mind the face of Steve Boros. If that is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Every winter, I am faced with the same realization: When I hear the name Scott Boras, I just see in my mind the face of Steve Boros. If that is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
The Dodgers pulled off a major coup yesterday, swooping in at the last minute to snatch Rafael Furcal out of the hands of the Cubs and/or Braves. Was shortstop a priority going into the offseason? Probably not, what with outfield issues, no manager (I’m available!), and a few other things. But outside of Paul Konerko,… Read More »
Here’s an idea that I know would tick off the union, but everyone else would be happy: what if Roger Clemens decided to come back for the 2006 season, and he signed a one-year, $6 million contract? Why is it just a foregone conclusion that Clemens is going to get a $20 million contract if… Read More »
Sometimes I really can’t tell how much my opinions are colored by my dislike for Chipper Jones. I was reading tonight about his newly restructured contract, and John Schuerholz had this to say: Whatever it takes, Chipper is always willing to step up, and we are pleased that this latest unselfish act will likely ensure… Read More »
Rumor has it that Esteban Loaiza’s incomprehensible contract with the A’s has driven up the price for Angels’ free agent Paul Byrd, who will probably end up getting three years at close to $8 million per year. I understand that the free agent market is weak, but honestly, this is ridiculous. Byrd will be 35… Read More »