Daily Archives: December 05, 2005

Scott Boras

Every winter, I am faced with the same realization: When I hear the name Scott Boras, I just see in my mind the face of Steve Boros. If that is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

Dodgers: Furcal and Zito

The Dodgers pulled off a major coup yesterday, swooping in at the last minute to snatch Rafael Furcal out of the hands of the Cubs and/or Braves. Was shortstop a priority going into the offseason? Probably not, what with outfield issues, no manager (I’m available!), and a few other things. But outside of Paul Konerko,… Read More »

On Clemens and Bagwell

Here’s an idea that I know would tick off the union, but everyone else would be happy: what if Roger Clemens decided to come back for the 2006 season, and he signed a one-year, $6 million contract? Why is it just a foregone conclusion that Clemens is going to get a $20 million contract if… Read More »