Daily Archives: October 11, 2005

Who is this man???

So I watch WWE wrestling on TV for four hours every week. Well, four hours worth of programming, although I probably only spend about two hours on it, thanks to the wonders of DVR and the fact that people like Chris Masters are so fast-forwardable. But anyway, it’s the first paragraph, and I have already… Read More »

Cano vs. Street Part II

In this post from a couple weeks ago, I declared that Huston Street should be the AL Rookie of the Year. In the comments on that post, T.D. Hogg said this: Robinson Cano is the obvious choice for rookie of the year, he plays under the great big new york lights that some veterans cant… Read More »

Ready for the Championship Series!

The Astros won a thrilling game on Sunday, and although I believe that any day the Braves get knocked out of the playoffs is a good day, I couldn’t help feeling very sorry for Joey Devine. The kid already has an unfortunate spot in the record books (the only pitcher to allow a grand slam… Read More »