Monthly Archives: September 2005

Random Baseball Thought #1: Palmeiro and Tejada

One of the things I try to find time in my schedule to do each day is read everything interested on’s Major League Baseball section. There are a few big stories going on right now, and I thought I would post my thoughts on each of them. I had planned on posting them all… Read More »

Stupidity speaks louder…

I was just reading through Rob Neyer’s chat on from today, and something made me laugh. Someone had asked a question about the whether Mariano Rivera deserves the Cy Young Award, and another person followed up with this gem: Brian (RI): Ryan, Rob will never admit to that, this guy couldn’t hate the Yankees… Read More »

My Favorite Things About Dreamweaver

I mentioned a day or two ago a couple blog entries about hand coding vs. WYSIWYG. Roger’s entry generated quite a discussion, including some Dreamweaver bashing. Jonathan Snook took issue with that in those comments (see especally comments 41 and 49), and he followed that up by posting a great little tutorial on Dreamweaver’s Search… Read More »

Religion in the Locker Room

The Washington Nationals suspended a volunteer chaplain, Jon Moeller, for indicating that Jewish people are going to hell. From an article in the Washington Post: An article in Sunday’s paper about Baseball Chapel quoted [Nationals’ outfielder Ryan] Church as saying that he had turned to Moeller for advice about his former girlfriend, who was Jewish.… Read More »

The Palmeiro Aftermath

On July 19, I wrote a blog entry explaining why I believed that Rafael Palmeiro deserved to be in the Hall of Fame once his playing career was over. Less than two weeks later, Palmeiro was suspended for steroids. Soon after the end of Palmeiro’s suspension, his agent, Arn Tellem, said: There is another side… Read More »

Hand-Coding in Dreamweaver

Paul Scrivens wrote a nice little blog entry about why he thinks people should hand-code their web sites instead of using WYSIWYG editors, and Roger Johansson followed up with: Right on, Scrivs. I’ve never seen the need for WYSIWYG tools, and I wouldn’t let someone who uses the design view of an application like Dreamweaver… Read More »

Happy “Talk Like A Pirate Day”

Today is “Talk Like A Pirate Day”! In honor of this special day, I would like to share my favorite pirate joke. It may not be suitable for all viewers, specifically viewers who are opposed to jokes about pirates’ crotches.

It must be a bad year in Colorado

I watched a couple innings of the Dodgers/Rockies game on Monday night, and I realized just how bad things have gotten in Colorado. The Dodgers had Jose Cruz Jr. on second, and Mike Edwards hit a base hit to left field. The left-fielder, Matt Holliday, threw the ball in towards home plate, and because Cruz… Read More »

The Wonders of Vonage

I have had quite a few people recently ask me about Vonage, the VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) company that I use for my home phone service. I figured I should just put something about it on my blog so I would have a link to point people to. Here is an email I sent… Read More »